
Top 20 Terribly Aged Celebrities


15. Pete Doherty

Pete Doherty of the Libertines often looks closer to being dead than alive. He was an adorable little boy and for a time he was a good-looking singer. That was until he decided he wanted to live the rocker lifestyle to the fullest, and the years of drugs and partying took a quick toll on his looks. Hardly any of the cute boy or handsome singer remains, and all that is left is a guy trying to still make it in rock and roll.

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  1. joshO

    December 10, 2016 at 5:52 pm

    That’s how the so-called Real American Beauties age!

  2. LONGIE415

    February 10, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    Wow people age and sometimes don’t look so great as they do…but some of these remarks are highly insensitive…so much so that I guess that its those types of comments that make people feel as if they need plastic surgery. LiveLoveLaugh….it’s life….nobody gets out alive.

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