
Top 18 Horribly Aged Celebs

Some celebrities seem to get better with age., Not only have their skills improved, but they look great. For others, the price of fame and age is a steep one. The years have not been kind to these celebrities, as their looks in their old age are a far cry from how they looked when they were famous. Check out these celebrities who aged worse than all the rest.


1. Val Kilmer

During the height of his career there weren’t many women who didn’t want to be saved by the gorgeous action star Val Kilmer. It was worth being chased by villains in Batman or Russians in The Saint if it got you a few minutes in his arms. Now he’s more like the guy you’d run from instead of running toward. His unkempt look and the amount of weight he’s put on have left him looking nothing like his former self.



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1 Comment

  1. Donalyn Kestner

    December 27, 2016 at 11:48 pm

    Keith Richards? He’ll still be sexy at 110!!