
Top 15 Most Beautiful and Rich Celebrity Daughters


2. Ireland Baldwin (Alec Baldwin & Kim Basinger)

This young beauty first made headlines when her father Alec Baldwin left her a very disturbing voicemail when she was just 11 years old. She has since forgiven him, but there is no denying she is closer to her mother Kim Basinger. Today, at the age of 19, she is a highly sought after model, and with every shoot she proves just how much she was born to be in front of the camera.

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  1. jm

    November 4, 2016 at 5:09 am

    what bone shithead writes that angie “looks good for her age”???? how old is she? 40? most 19 year olds would be lucky to EVER look as good as she does now. Go suck your sexist youth worship in hell.

  2. Alagappan

    February 7, 2017 at 4:41 am

    The 15th is actually beautiful. Why did you rank her to the last?

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