
These 20 Wealthy Celebrities Refuse To Help Their Poor Siblings


3. Prince

Before Prince died, he had stopped doing anything to help his sister Tyka. In the beginning, he pulled strings to get her a record deal, but instead of focusing on music, she turned to drugs. In desperation to keep feeding her addiction, she became a sex worker. That was when Prince decided to cut ties with her and stop helping her.

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  1. p m

    April 26, 2017 at 11:22 am

    This article should be more fittingly titled “Drug and Alcohol Sibling Addicts of 20 Wealthy Celebrities Who Cannot Get Their Act Together.”

  2. Nicole

    June 26, 2017 at 7:08 pm

    Add Barack Obama to the list. His brother in Indonesia says he has never received so much as a dollar from him. His brother is far from a drug addict, and works hard to support his family. Hard to understand.

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