
The 20 Most Shockingly Short Male Celebrities


15. Michael J. Fox – 5’4”

Michael J. Fox is one of Hollywood’s most beloved actors, and his relatively short stature has become part of his charm rather than a detriment. Although at times it was clear that he wasn’t quite heartthrob material, he still managed to have a very successful career with his starring role in the Back to the Future trilogy.

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1 Comment

  1. j rosen

    August 12, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    I have been about 5` 4″ most of my life, and now almost 80, have lost an inch or so. Nontheless I have managed to be married 4 times, including to one lady who was 17 years younger and 9 inches taller (we made an interesting couple!)I certainly took my share of ridicule and bullying as a kid (the most memorable one became a mailman while I went on to play in the Boston Symphony for 27 years)and I could never understand why being taller than me was thought such an achievement, being that it was so easy.

    Actually my son, when he was 5 (now he is a middle-height, highly successful corporate attorney), came up with the best answer: he was on the small side and when accosted by the usual nonsense,answered “I’m not short, my legs are short!”.

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