
The 20 Most Shockingly Short Male Celebrities

When it comes to being a guy, there are few things that can prevent you from getting a girl or making it big like being short. You can be rich, successful, and good-looking, but if you’re too short to look your date in the eyes, then you’re probably going to have a hard time finding a girl who’s willing to date you. These men may be on the short side, but they’re big on talent and charm. Click through to see the heights of some of your favorite male celebs.


1. Josh Hutcherson – 5’7”

Josh Hutcherson is definitely not the shortest actor in Hollywood, but he is on the shorter side. If that wasn’t obvious when he stood next to his much taller co-stars in The Hunger Games, it was really obvious at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards. He stood next to Kate Upton and acknowledged that it “would never work out between [them]” as he craned his neck up to look at her.

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1 Comment

  1. j rosen

    August 12, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    I have been about 5` 4″ most of my life, and now almost 80, have lost an inch or so. Nontheless I have managed to be married 4 times, including to one lady who was 17 years younger and 9 inches taller (we made an interesting couple!)I certainly took my share of ridicule and bullying as a kid (the most memorable one became a mailman while I went on to play in the Boston Symphony for 27 years)and I could never understand why being taller than me was thought such an achievement, being that it was so easy.

    Actually my son, when he was 5 (now he is a middle-height, highly successful corporate attorney), came up with the best answer: he was on the small side and when accosted by the usual nonsense,answered “I’m not short, my legs are short!”.

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