
The 16 Richest Kids Alive


2. Knox and Vivienne Jolie-Pitt – $67.5 million

Brad and Angelina decided that if they sold their kids’ baby pictures, they would then put that money into a fund for their kids. When twins Knox and Vivienne came along, the paparazzi were incredibly eager to pay more than double to get a peek at two famous babies. Therefore, out of all Brad and Angelina’s children, Knox and Vivienne are estimated to have the most money set aside for them.

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  1. Samantha Bradford

    May 1, 2017 at 2:35 pm

    I applaud the youngsters and their talents! I just can’t help but think of all that money and what the Country and it’s people and animals could benefits from some of the money the Movie Industry has

  2. Trudie M Ziarko

    June 27, 2017 at 5:47 am

    You would think with all that money the Pitt’s have, they could afford a haircut for their son! LOL!

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