
20 Genius Actors Who Played Dumb Characters


3. Ken Jeong

Ken Jeong is known for playing the insane and ridiculous Leslie Chow in the Hangover trilogy. In real life he is a doctor. He did his residency and worked as a doctor by day and did stand up at night. It was then he got the role of Dr. Kuni in Knocked Up. The role made him famous enough to quit his day job as a doctor and focus entirely on acting.

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  1. Janice Russo

    March 14, 2016 at 3:57 am

    The photo you are showing as Jayne Mansfield is NOT Jayne Mansfield…

  2. B

    March 21, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    I honestly think you’re making this s*** up Jeff Daniels did not play Lloyd Christmas on Dumb and Dumber. Everyone knows that. Another list that I looked at on your website head lifted Vanessa Carlton as openly bisexual. Which is something she’s never said. Additionally the picture you supplied on that list wasn’t even a picture of Vanessa Carlton. I call b*******

  3. Dan MacIsaac

    April 16, 2016 at 5:28 pm

    OH … But it is Jayne … Who do U think it is?

  4. Troy

    September 25, 2016 at 2:37 am

    Honorary degree? I don’t think so. Just put him in because of being a big Leftwinger maybe? Kind of like giving Obama a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing

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