
16 Child Stars We Still Have Crushes On


9. Christian Bale

Christian Bale had a number of roles as a child including Newsies. The movie was a huge flop in theaters (and Bale was annoyed to learn he was in a musical) but when it hit video it became a cult classic. Now this amazingly talented actor (some of his fellow actors on American Psycho were floored by him) only looks sexier with age.

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  1. Mike Spenser

    April 10, 2016 at 10:06 pm

    Where is Alyssa Milano?

  2. John Zigler

    April 18, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Mike Spenser asked the exactly right question, where is Alyssa Milano??! This list is truly incomplete without her. I still watch Charmed reruns to get my fix. She was not only a very cute young lady but is a smokin’ hot and talented woman. I read an article that she keeps her children with her even while working so that tells me she is an awesome Mother. Alyssa rocks!

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