
15 Premature Curtain Calls For These Actors


8. Steve Irwin

Larger-than-life Aussie Steve Irwin brought everyone a little closer to the wild with his television series. In a sick twist of irony, it was this close contact which took his life unexpectedly in 2006. During an encounter with a large sting ray, the creature became frightened, stinging him several times in a matter of seconds, killing him.

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  1. bob

    June 21, 2016 at 2:29 am

    This is incorrect. It was pulling the stingray “out” that killed him … NOT the stings.

  2. Diana

    July 19, 2016 at 11:11 pm

    Tyrone Power looks incredibly like George Clooney Or should I say that George Clooney bears a very strong resemblance to Tyrone Power? Because it’s true. Could there have been a tiger in the wood shed?

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