
15 Hilarious Celebrity Fails You Won’t Believe


9. Katy Perry

Katy Perry takes Harry Styles slipping on cake up to 11 with this insane stunt. She decided to do a belly flop into a gigantic cake on stage. But like Harry, she forgot that frosting all over a stage is very slippery. So the singer ending up slipping and falling in true dramatic fashion, while covered in cake. Her bandmates also took the opportunity to laugh, though they did make sure she was okay.

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1 Comment

  1. Rose Ann Selvana

    October 11, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    This fails are so funny specially if it happened on stage! I have read about Madonna’s Epic wardrobe fail in The Beauty Insiders and I almost fell down my chair from laighing! this really made my week! thanks guys!

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