
15 Hilarious Celebrity Fails You Won’t Believe


6. Jonah Hill

This one just seems a bit odd all around. How do you sit down in a car without noticing that gigantic rip in your pants? Too bad he doesn’t keep a sewing kit or at least some duct tape in the limo. Maybe the unfortunate tear come from sliding across those leather seats to get out? In any case, Jonah Hill is still rocking his looks and taking the wardrobe mishap in stride.

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1 Comment

  1. Rose Ann Selvana

    October 11, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    This fails are so funny specially if it happened on stage! I have read about Madonna’s Epic wardrobe fail in The Beauty Insiders and I almost fell down my chair from laighing! this really made my week! thanks guys!

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